Whether you hate your job or wish you had a job to hate, Creative Career Coaching can help you land what’s next.

Arrow pointing right

You’re not just a designer, right? You’re a logo visionary. Not only a stylist. You’re a fashion archivist who also styles. We’ll find the thing only you can do, and we’ll make it your career.

What’s your problem?

Don’t forget that a solid plan isn’t just about action. Sometimes, it’s about shedding the past. I’m no therapist, and I don’t play one on T.V., but I’m willing to bet 5 buckaroonies that you have some limiting beliefs causing you to shut down when you get in front of those applications.

Where are you headed?

The next big thing is right behind the super scary decision you’re about to make. Don’t worry if you don’t know where you’re headed yet, we’ll help you find out & then get you there.

What we do
(and do well)

It’s getting comprehensive in here.

This is the most annoying part of the process, and it’s where we grill you to understand your skills, experience, and personal/professional goals. We’ll also dig into those obstacles that might be holding you back. We blend industry assessments (MBTI, CliftonStrengths, DiSC profiles, RIASEC test and the Big Five) with a bit of creative magic to help uncover where you are and where you want to be. We start with a comprehensive assessment of your current situation.

Check-ins and accountability

 Consistency is key to progress. We schedule regular check-ins to review your progress, celebrate milestones, and adjust your plan as needed. These sessions use SMART criteria to keep you accountable and motivated. Our check-ins might feel a bit pesky, but they’re designed to keep you on track and ensure continuous forward momentum.

Coaching mixed with tough love

Here come the big guns. We’ll bring in the industry professionals for mentorship, tips, and realistic perspectives on your field. It’s a collaborative approach, baby. You can’t do it alone. The techniques are just one part of the process. The real magic happens during our 1:1 sessions, where we’ll blend supportive guidance and feedback to give you a clear plan of action. Think: candid convos that challenge you to think critically and forget about your comfort zone. It’s your life; let’s make it count.